Write My Answer On A Billboard Large And Clear

~ I'll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon.
I'll wait to see what God says ~ Habakkuk 2:1-2

May 12, 2012

My Flavor of Favor...My Gentle Child

Dearest daughter,
Mother's Day 2012

Your love has contributed to God's favor over my life. You are His gift. He planned that you and your brother would become my blessings. I see His signature all over you :)

Thank you for loving me. For pouring your goodness into me. It mixes with God's love, and flavors my world with inner happiness. I love you forever, I like you always, as long as I'm living, my sweet courageous daughter you will be.

Even though your little fingers no longer wrap around mine, your strong hand encompasses my heart, as we walk our separate paths together as family. I value your input - your values make me proud.

Though we rarely walk hand in hand these days, I remember well the many times, when you slipped your arm around mine, as we stood together in church - worshiping our Lord and Savior - swaying together with the music. It felt like I was so much more than just your mama. It was as if the fullness of God had me all wrapped up ... through His beautiful package in you.

So, even though we are far apart geographically, time and space can not weaken this love I feel for you. I hold you just as dear within my heart, as I did so many years ago, when I held you for the first time - within my arms.

You have taught me much about this life I've lived. I see my successes in you and your brother. Where I failed, you have overcome. Thank God...in Christ, we are over-comers. I praise God for you both today, on this Mother's Day weekend 2012.

Pondering the familiar quote from 'Forrest Gump'... "Life's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gona get", I have come to realize this:

Even though the families we are born into are not necessarily a box of sweetness...they are full of surprises.

Please know that you and your brother - your respective spouses and the 4 sweet blessings that have been bestowed upon us all - will always remain the SWEETNESS of my life. You will hold that flavor of FAVOR until God sends His Chariots of Fire to usher me out of this earthly realm and into ETERNITY with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If I never see you again, this side of heaven, I'll greet you with the fullness of His love - in that great homecoming in the sky.

May you, my daughter, be blessed this Mother's Day as the blessing of you has warmed my heart ...for all these years! You are the 'nutty' sweetness of my life. I just adore you. You make this mama so proud! :) Carry on... dear daughter of mine. I love you and the young lives you and My son-in love have graced me with.

I praise God for His 8 indescribably sweet blessings that He has chosen to fill my box of life with.  I cherish the love - the surprises - each and every one. Every day offers a new and enduring flavor - in this box of favor! 

Happy Mother's day dear

I love you !
I remain - always and forever,
affectionately - your mama

"HEAR The Word of The Lord"


Prayer Changes Things

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” ..... Romans 12:12





He is the LORD, The 'I AM' over our yesterdays ~ our today ~ our tomorrow

Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator

Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One

Adonai: The Owner of All

Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides

El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One

El Elion: The Most High Ruler

Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory

Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace

Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies

Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals

Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness

Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd

Immanuel: God With Us