" I am your refuge and your strength. Even though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, do not fear. I am an ever present help in your trouble."
~ Your Heavenly Father
taken from Psalm 46: 1-3The Following story has
been shared over the years
by many - including
pastors and priests.
But I remember it from
a certain man of wisdom...
Paul Harvey...and
"The Rest of the Story"
In the midst of
contemplative thot,
while scribing my dream
in my last post,
I was reminded of this
awesome story.
Please read
my 'editorial note'
at the end...
in regards to the hidden
possible misunderstanding
of this feathery-feel-good
account of Jesus's ultimate
LOVE for YOU and ME!
I loved the story
from the begining...
I didn't SEE the implication
the first time I heard it
many years ago.
But when my eyes
were opened to the
deeper word picture...
my spirit was in an uproar.
I share my editorial note
because I think
its important enough
to be fully understood.
Boston preacher
Dr. S.D. Gordon,
placed a beat up, bent,
rusted old bird cage
beside his pulpit
when he told this story.
An unkempt, unwashed,
little lad about 10 years
old was coming up the alley
swinging this old
caved in bird cage
with several tiny birds
shivering on the floor of it.
The compassionate
Dr. Gordon asked the boy
where he got the birds.
He said he trapped them.
Dr. Gordon asked what he
was going to do with them.
The boy said he was
going to play with them
and have fun with them.
The preacher said,
“Sooner or later
you’ll get tired of them.
Then what are you
going to do with them?”
The lad said,
“I have some cats at home.
They like birds.
I’ll feed them to my cats.”
Dr. Gordon said,
“Son, how much do you
want for the birds?”
The boy, surprised,
hesitated and said,
“Mister, you don’t
want these birds.
They're just plain
old field birds.
They can’t even sing.
They’re ugly.”
The preacher said,
“Just tell me.
How much do you want?”
The grubby little lad
thought about it.
He squinted up one eye.
He calculated and hesitated
and said, “Two dollars?”
To his surprise Dr. Gordon
reached into his pocket
and handed the boy
two, one dollar bills.
The preacher
took the cage.
The boy, in a wink,
hurried up the alley.
In a sheltered crevice
between buildings,
Dr. Gordon opened
the door of the cage
and tapping on the
rusty exterior
he encouraged
the little birds,
one at a time,
to find their way out
through the narrow door
and fly away.
Thus ...
having accounted for
the empty cage
beside his pulpit,
the preacher went on
to tell what seemed,
at first, a separate story.
How once upon a time,
Jesus and the Devil
had engaged
in a negotiation.
Satan had boasted
how he’d baited a trap
in Eden’s garden
and caught himself
a world full of people.
“What are you
going to do
with all those
people in your cage”
Jesus wanted to know.
The Devil said,
“I’m going to play
with em’, tease em’.
Make them marry
and divorce
and fight and kill
one another.
I’m going to teach them
to throw bombs
on one another.
I’m going to have
fun with them!”
Jesus said,
“You can’t have fun
with them forever.
When you get tired
of playing,
what are you going
to do with them?”
Satan said,
“Damn them!
They’re no good anyway!
Damn them!
Kill them!”
Jesus said,
“How much do you
want for them?”
Satan said,
“You can’t be serious!
If I sell them to you,
they’ll just spit on you.
They’ll hate you.
They’ll hit you
and beat you.
They’ll hammer nails
into you!
They’re no good.”
Jesus said,
“How much?”
Satan said,
“All of your tears
and all of your blood.
That’s the price.”
Jesus took the cage,
paid the price,
and opened the door.
O how WIDE
and HIGH and
is the Heavenly
Father's LOVE
for YOU and ME!
Editorial Note
Its a feel good account
of Jesus' great LOVE for us....
I don't deny that.
But it is preposterous
to think that
the SON of GOD -
The One True GOD...
should need to seek
'permission' from the Devil
(also called Lucifer,
satan, or fallen cherub)
before doing ANYTHING!!
This story subtlety attempts
to make Lucifer Lord ...
and Jesus ...
the subordinate one!
Jesus 'IS'
the DOOR!!!
John 14:6
Jesus' journey to Golgotha
to relinquished His WILL
was a choice of submission
to His Heavenly Father's
WILL for YOU and ME.
Jesus' purpose on earth
was to ransom us
from the 'curse' of sin -
a result of God's judgement
against Adam and Eve's
DISOBEDIENCE in the Garden.
We were created by GOD
for Companionship with GOD.
We were created with
a passion* for Him.
Because GOD is HOLY...
we can not enter
Eternal LIFE
with Him in Heaven,
with the curse of SIN.
SIN not only corrupts our
earthly bodies of flesh,
it corrupts our mind...
and our spirit as well.
We therefore,
had to be ransomed
from the un-holiness
through HOLINESS.
JESUS, being GOD's
was that HOLINESS!
NOT a brother to
Lucifer, as some teach...
took the curse
upon Himself
to OPEN the DOOR
for us to enter
with God the Father
and His SON...
as was GOD's PLAN
from the beginning.
NEVER was it laid out
upon a 'round table'
for open discussion.
NEVER was it any other plan!
NEVER was there
a 'Jesus plan'
versus a 'Lucifer plan'....
again...as some teach.
JESUS and Lucifer
Lucifer was created by God
as a beautiful Cherub.
JESUS was not created.
He was with God
from the beginning.
belong to the Devil !
The only thing this
fallen cherub can do ....
is to whisper ideas
into people's ears...
as shown in this story.
The CHOICE to act...
has ALWAYS been OURS!
JESUS became the
SACRIFICE for our atonement.
With His BLOOD...
we were given the CHOICE
to leave the bondage of SIN
and fly unweighted by
the earthly 'curse of SIN'
Because of JESUS,
and through JESUS...
Matthew 28:19
compels me to ask...
Are You following
God's Plan for Your LIFE?
JESUS came to redeem
YOU and ME...
to restore us back
to the Heavenly Father.
to follow JESUS.
Have YOU?
CHOOSE this day...
whom you will serve.
CHOOSE while there
is still daylight.
O how WIDE
and HIGH and
is the Heavenly
Father's LOVE
for YOU and ME!
prayerfully submitted
* Passion is NOT LUST!
(from the Latin verb
patī meaning to suffer)
is a term applied to a
very strong feeling
about a person
or thing.
Passion is an intense
emotion compelling,
or desire for anything.
~ Wikipedia