Write My Answer On A Billboard Large And Clear

~ I'll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon.
I'll wait to see what God says ~ Habakkuk 2:1-2

Oct 15, 2010

Pastor's Perspective - Rescued!

This post was posted on Pastor Steve's blog - his personal perspective on the circumstance that held these men captive for 70 days. It's worthy of a re-post here. I admire his gut level sharing. I personaly don't know Steve - just blessed to have found him in blog-land - just like all of you that I've come to know and cherish. Enjoy Steve's perspective...... Patrina <")>><

"As I peck this, the rescue of 33 trapped Chilean miners continues. Last night I sat emotionally transfixed watching each miner emerging from his tomb of seventy days! The joy, elation and reuniting continues to be an international human interest event that none of us can ignore. After the initial cave-in back in early August, there was no word of any survivors for seventeen days. Then a note came from below informing the world that they were alive. For two and a half months these men kept their hopes alive and took amazing care of one another, sacrificing that they all might live.

As a pastor this story is rich with spiritual significance. At one time in all of our lives as Christians we were all trapped in the darkness of sin. Unlike the situation in Chile, our situation was not an accident, but deserved. Hopeless and helpless we wandered in the darkness, alive but in all reality, dead. Then a light shined into our lives. The note we received indicated that a rescue had already taken place in Jerusalem a long time ago, and that although we were dead, our divine Rescuer was alive, well and able to deliver us!

Another inspiring reminder from this event down in South America, is the way these men have taken care of one another. Some were older and weaker, but the stronger helped the less viral, ensuring that they all emerge alive together as they have. Over the course of seventy days, hope at times must have waned. Yet, they encouraged the floundering that help was on the way, that they could make it, and that better was just ahead. In other words, these miners did an exceptional job of reminding us in the church what it means to be the church.

Lastly, we as modern-day believers in Christ are reminded that like these miners we have each been set free.

Where were you when Jesus came to your rescue?

He came to me in despair, divorce, cancer, infidelity, infertility, rejection, isolation, depression, and trial. We don’t lack for deep and ominous mines do we?

Are you in any of those mines right now?

Maybe you’re trapped in addiction, grief or disillusionment.

Jesus knows where you are and He can rescue you, if you’ll let Him. No matter where you are and how long you’ve been trapped there, Christ wants to bring you from the darkness into His marvelous light!"

Pastor Steve Kiefer from a Pastors Perspective


  1. As a believer, everything that had happened, despite the miners' ordeal point to Jesus. How with faith, they made it! And with little or no hope, instead of fighting, they must have learned to call on God and learned to love each other instead. No wonder, Jesus put an emphasis on "Love God first. Then, love others..."

    I pray that the Lord is the One glorified in all of this! Blessings.

  2. SO TRUE!

    One of these miners actually acknowledged the presence of Jesus when he said they were not 33 but 34 miners!

    Nothing is impossible for GOD to handle! I praise God because He is GOD!

    Stay blessed!

  3. Hello Sister! What a great post. I wept as I watched each man hugs his family. I LOVE how God is getting the glory! Hallelujah!

    On another note! Thank you for your comment on my blog. You are absolutely correct -- satan does come to steal healings. Through this, the guy with the new healed knee has been keeping his healing. If the pain tries to come back, he rebukes it and keeps going. Hallelujah!

    I appreciate your encouragement. We shall see what God has planned at our maze today! Perhaps more healings in Jesus' Name!

    I haven't had time to visit any blog friends, but in two more weeks I'll be back. I had to come over and find you though ...

    Have a wonderful day shining for Him!


  4. This is such a great post. A true testimony to Christ. Blessings.

  5. patrina!

    thank you for sharing this pastor's rich
    teaching on the chilean miner's horror.

    we are all, indeed, people who have been
    rescued from a great darkness into a
    marvelous Light.


  6. ps. you asked at my place how one keeps
    up with many comments. just one at a
    time. :)

    each comment is so rich and such an
    encouragement to my walk, that i feel
    tremendously blessed.

    yours especially!

  7. Dear PAtrina,
    The story of the miners rescued from their near death experience is indeed full of timely lessons for all of us.

    Pastor's Steve is so good...thank you for posting.

    I believe that our Father intended that event to speak a message to His church and I certainly hope we are all listening!

    Couldn't hold back the tears as the the rest of the world joined Chile in this shining defining moment for them as a nation!

    Thanks for this post, dear Patrina. Through it, I began to understand a bit of where you were when Jesus rescued you!

    You certainly have come a long way. Praise God indeed for the work of transformation in each of us He has brought out from darkness into His marvelous light.


  8. Hello Patrina, so nice to meet you.
    Thank you for coming by my blog and
    joining in with me on my journey
    with Jesus.
    I have been looking around your place
    here and I love what I see...a woman
    with a true heart for God. I will
    also join you in your walk with Him.

  9. RCUBE's
    The whole of the GOSPEL of Christ is just that -



    Princess warrior <")>><

  10. Dee
    Thanks for sharing that - I hadn't heard that account. Powerful testament to our Lord and King who was there in the midst of them just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the firey furnace.

    princess warrior <")>><

    Dan 3:17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king.

    Dan 3:22 The king's command was so urgent and the furnace so hot that the flames of the fire killed the soldiers who took up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,

    Dan 3:24 Then King Nebuchadnezzar leaped to his feet in amazement and asked his advisers, "Weren't there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire?" They replied, "Certainly, O king."

    Dan 3:25 He said, "Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods."

    Dan 3:26 Nebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted, "Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!" So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire,

    Dan 3:27 and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them.

    Dan 3:28 Then Nebuchadnezzar said, "Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him....

  11. Beth in NC
    Welcome to the bridge. and so glad to know that God used me to encourage you. I'm excited to hear more...

    princess warrior <")>><

  12. JBR

    Always nice to see you on the bridge.This is a testimony to our powerful and loving God - the SAME GOD who rescued Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,in the Old Testament.

    Thanks for picking up the pencil

    princess warrior <")>><

  13. Lea
    from darkness to LIGHT! Thanks for your kind comments - for always vising me on the bridge even though your followers outnumber the days in a whole year :) carry on, girl, one comment at a time.

    Thanks for picking up the pencil
    princess warrior <")>><

  14. Dear LIDJ
    "....Praise God indeed for the work of transformation in each of us He has brought out from darkness into His marvelous light."

    Amen dear soul. Amen! Rescued!into the waiting arms of God

    thanks for always visiting me here on the bridge and for your encouragement - I appreciate you and that heart warming pencil of yours as well.

    princess warrior <")>><

  15. Sandy
    Welcome to the bridge!! Thank you for your kind comments. I sure appreciated your posting of sweet Jackie's testimonial about her daughter's miraculous rescue.

    Thanks for picking up the pencil - I look forward to hearing form you again.

    princess warrior <"_>><

  16. This is a wonderful story! What a blessing!

  17. "I went down to the bottoms of the mountains", Jonah 2: 6. However deep we have been, the Lord has gone deeper, for us!

  18. Yep, that was definitely worth a repost. Beautiful!

  19. Debra
    nice to see you on the bridge again - yes is is a blessing.

    princess warrior <")>><

  20. David
    Always nice to see you on the bridge. I love how you always leave your footprints of scripture where ever you go.


    princess warrior <")>><

  21. Lynda
    yes I thot is was a well written perspective. Thanks for taking the time to visit me on the bridge.

    princess warrior <")>><

  22. So grateful for my rescue from the belly of the earth. May I always hold in remembrance that moment of my freedom!

    Blessed Monday to you my friend.


  23. I hear you, Elaine....may be never forget what we've been rescued from... praise Jesus for His willingness to go the distance for our rescue!

    warrior bride
    of the MOST High KING

  24. that event has captured the heart of millions ...

  25. Thanks for the writing from Pastor Steve...also, tell your son that I agree with what he has recognized in Glenn Beck. I had family members that were and are Mormon and their agenda for many years has been to be accepted as Christians and yet their beliefs totally contradict what Christians believe. I could go on and on, but they are sweet and misinformed people with a true agenda of being bigger than any "church" in America and being in control....you have to live in the same family as some to realize it. ANYWAY....love your blog!!! If you think this might offend someone, I totally would be in agreement to not post it..love you!!!

  26. Hi Patrina,
    I'm back here to tell you I appreciated your visit and encouraging comment on my Forerunner post.

    Have a wonderful day full of surprises from heaven, dear friend.


  27. This is worth sharing...this is so inspirational. I am so blessed by this analogy.

  28. I found you from Humble As I Go..and had to head over to state..I LOVED..'warrior bride in boots'..amen sis...

  29. a sinner saved by grace!! My pit was just as deep cuz I was just as lost!

    Love you Patrina, praying for you and dad always!



  30. @ S. Etole :) thanks for visiting

    @ say it in color
    thanks for your comment - I passed it on to my son-in law. I appreciate you taking the time to check out his podcast. Thanks also for the kind comment about my blog. :)

    @ Lidj
    surprises from heaven :) thank you!

    @ Rita
    thanks for visiting the bridge - I thot is was very inspiring

    @ Angela
    :) what a sweet thing - to take the time to stop by to tell me that. Funny thing - another blogger friend called me princess warrior from one of my posts. It stuck. then I decided I wasn't that 'princessy' because I wear cowgirl boots - so I started adding 'in boots' - then I looked online for princess warrior images - in boots - Whaooo - I decided quickly that I didn't want to be associated with any of those images.

    Then, I remembered Jackie's (fresh Oil) post on the bride - (with the art of Chris Fields) - I decided I was His Bride instead. I'm too old to be a princess anyway :) I'm divorced - He's my husband. I'm his bride!

    I like it a lot better. I'll keep looking for an image of a bride in cowgirl boots that fits me :)

    @ Sonja
    Rescued ! Redeemed ! Transformed! Renewed! Thanks, as always for your visits and your prayers.

    Hugs, to all of you

    warrior bride <")>><

  31. Thank you so much for reposting Pastor Kiefer's thoughts on the rescued miners. He shared some great insights!

  32. It's uncanny...I thought the same thing. God's handprint was all over that story! And I'm sure each one of us has our own 'mine' story to tell. We were all in despair, in a dark hole, until Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice to set us free. Hallelujah!!!

  33. I just love stories of miraculous rescue! And this one had so many spiritual lessons to learn...

    Great words from Steve - thanks for sharing them.

    I am so glad that I am one of those God rescued from the deep, dark hole of death and destruction - to bring me into His Glorious Light!

    (P.S. Am I the only that would have gone CRAZY with claustrophobia coming up in that little rescue cage??)


  34. I'm glad you reposted the Pastor's reflection. The event was a miracle to the world, and the analogy that Pastor Steve outlines is beautiful. I believe I've been "rescued" by the Lord in time of feeling trapped "in mines" of desperation and distress.

    Patrina, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my story. I hope you can also share some of those stories from your work experience :-))



  35. @ Faith Imagined
    thanks for visiting - yes, I thot he did an awesome job of bringing it home.

    @ Deborah Ann
    Hallelujah!!! indeed :) thanks for visiting, girlfriend.

    @ Sharon
    :) I would have been claustrophobic in the mine - Whew!!!! thanks for visiting and picking up the pencil to let me know that you were here.

    warrior bride <")>><

  36. Hey Doris - thanks for stopping by and picking up the pencil. We were all rescued at some point - and the Lord keeps on rescuing us - we are such a complicated race, aren't we?

    As for those stories.....hmmmm maybe I will. I was writing a book - but life got derailed for me and I never picked it up again. But I have some lovely stories - even video that still make me laugh my head off. :)

    Patrina <")>><

  37. It is truly a testament to God's mercy how those men were able to survive all that time trapped. My desire is that they were able to see Jesus' love for them through this situation.

    Warrior bride in boots....love it!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and hope to see you back soon. May God bless you in all you do for His glory!


  38. We have all been saved from a horrible pit, much like the mine these men were rescued from... mine was the pit of self and destruction, no doubt all of us can say that.

    I marvel that every now and then I find myself back in a pit, but He continues to save me from myself, my sin, my failings. Isn't He the most awesome and amazing God?!

    God bless you Patrina...

  39. Thanks for reposting this, I haven't read it before. I think many of us thought about the situation these men were in for so long. There is no way I could have handled it without God's promises helping me through it.

  40. Hi
    In answer to your question. Christ came to me when i was alone and afraid and it was amazing!

    Those miners are an inspiration. I pray He teaches us the way to go everyday and i listen and do. (for i can only make a decision for myself).

    How are ya? Just dropped in to check on you.


Thanks for picking up the pencil...

May the grace
of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit ...
be with you all.

His Warrior Bride in Boots

"HEAR The Word of The Lord"


Prayer Changes Things

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” ..... Romans 12:12





He is the LORD, The 'I AM' over our yesterdays ~ our today ~ our tomorrow

Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator

Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One

Adonai: The Owner of All

Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides

El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One

El Elion: The Most High Ruler

Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory

Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace

Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies

Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals

Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness

Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd

Immanuel: God With Us