Lord, here I am.
There is no friction
between my will and Yours.
Whatever you have for me,
I know that you will give me
enough strength, enough grace.
I know You will give me
all that I need, so Lord,
here I am, ready to do your will.
~ Evelyn Christenson
Two days after Thanksgiving, I dreamed of spiritual warfare occurring in my HOUSE. That could represent either my personal or family spiritual LIFE, emotions, and/or even church family. My House is my HOME; my peaceful dwelling place with the LORD. As for me and my house, we have chosen to serve the LORD.
I am diligent about protecting my home...my physical dwelling place, as well as my HEART, my tabernacle for the Holy Spirit of God. My house/home/heart is my identity....it represents my ROOTS; my Christian heritage; my personal walk with the LORD since childhood. It is my TABERNACLE with the LORD.
Luke 12:34 speaks of the HEART as your TREASURE. "Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be". TLB
In the dream, I was looking for a specific hair clip to pull my long hair back away from my eyes, because it was hindering my sight. I'm actually 'one-eyed-sighted' because of a 'lazy eye'. I wore the eye patch and glasses at the age 3.
Vision is critical - both physically and spiritually. I've often wondered if the good Lord enhanced my spiritual eyes because of my physical deficit of focus. I have prayed for that. In fact, in praying for His healing touch on my physical disability...I have made known to Him... that if given the choice between the two, I would choose spiritual eyesight over physical focus. This surrender has only come within the last 2 years of my spiritual pilgrimage.
In the midst of battle... I entered my bedroom for reprieve; to achieve clearer vision; focus; to obtain a strategy, a battle plan from the Lord. This is what I do regularly, when I discern or find myself in a spiritual or physical battle. I seek the LORD.
Who else but He
sees the total picture??
He's my first source
for HELP.
If I get caught up in the battle
before seeking His help,
He eventually calls me
to the center
of His tabernacle within me...
for a 'meeting'.
Unbeknownst to me, the bedroom scene was just that - the Holy Spirit had called a MEETING. Upon my arrival, She was standing by my dresser... waiting for my entrance. Don't read any thing into the Holy Spirit as a 'SHE'. SHE was also a Black lady. Yes, I've read 'The Shack' and more recently watched the movie. Regardless of its critical reviews, it holds a profound message. We have to have spiritual eyes to see that message. Otherwise, our left brain sees only what is foreign to our static reasoning.
We have to be able to see a thing through KINGDOM EYES. Through the window of the Holy Spirit's filter, without jumping to our own conclusions first. We aren't children; we have, hopefully graduated to meat. It's ok to chew. How can a thing be fully discerned...without chewing? Discernment isn't just a given; it must be 'weighed up', as they say, against the Bible with the intelligence of the Holy Spirit. Our discerning eyes can be used against us...by the enemy of our souls. So practice chewing...even if you have to spit out every other bite. There is meat to be discerned in the chewing.
With God, there is no partiality. The Holy Spirit chose to represent Himself as this prominent Black lady, because of the details that go with her identity; her known identity to me personally. Her name is ESTHER. Isn't that just like God to send an Esther to my house...in the midst of a spiritual battle! This chosen Esther happens to be the Queen of my COMMUNITY....standing in the POSITION of PROPERTY MANAGER. Queen Esther is a CHRISTIAN; a SISTER in the FAMILY - the HOUSE of God. - the BODY of CHRIST.
Queen Esther is an ADVOCATE for me and those who live in my community. Because we are a community of seniors in need of advocacy, we often receive less respect because of our age and/or disabilities. With Queen Esther standing in her given position, she gives us voice... individually and as a whole. We appreciate God's gift of Queen Esther; her willingness to make a stand for us. She treats us like a body; individual parts of the whole community. We are not all believers. But we are community...and that makes us family.
She suggested a couple hair clips for me. But they were not the one. I had a specific clip in mind. I had bought all these clips, trying to find one that would actually stay in place. They just didn't hold my thick hair. Only one would perform as expected... as needed. The Holy Spirit knew the specific one that I was searching for... yet she let me struggle to find it. Why? ... is probably another story.
When I finally saw it,
I pulled back my hair
and fastened the clip to hold....
And at this precise time...
With the mirror reflecting me,
A netting - like a bridal veil -
came from the back of my head,
and in slow motion,
began to cover my head,
Including my eyes.
Suddenly, the war within me dissolved.
I immediately recalled His name for me...
Warrior Bride in Boots.
The Holy Spirit stood aside and witnessed this supernatural covering envelope me. My authority in Christ was taking on a new look. Suddenly, I became adorned with a gown of pure white. The Lord Himself was dressing me. He was allowing my eyes to see me as He sees me. Through KINGDOM EYES.
I was His Beautiful One
His Warrior Bride in Boots.
Can you imagine
stepping into a battle
wearing a wedding gown,
with a veil completely
covering your eyes?
I'm envisioning
a cease fire ...
on both sides.
The night of this dream, I was watching a You tube video of Jennifer LeClaire speaking about the 'Rest' of God. She said ," If all you see is spiritual warfare and the demonic... change your focus." she guarantees that God is just around the corner. Keep looking.
Keep Looking!
Look until you see
with Kingdom Eyes!
The war between soul and spirit is won when we enter into the REST of God. Remembering who we are in Christ... The one who paid the great price to redeem our souls. The battle is in our head. When we mentally focus on the Beloved lamb of God... His Light chases the darkness away. The enemy of our soul has already been defeated. The victory is ours through Christ Jesus.
Arise, my people!
Let your light shine
for all the nations to see!
For the glory of the Lord
is streaming from you.
Darkness as black as night
shall cover all the peoples
of the earth,
but the glory of the Lord
will shine from you.
All nations will come
to your light;
mighty kings will come
to see the glory
of the Lord upon you.
Lift up your eyes and see!
Isaiah 60:1-4
Holiness always matters to the Lord. But this is a season where we as His people must be front and center...wrapped in His Holiness. As the corporate body of Christ - the CHURCH - we must lay down our swords and walk in Corporate and Personal REPENTANCE - Corporate and Personal HUMILITY - Corporate and Personal HOLINESS... with each other...and the world.
Jesus declared in Mark 7:14-23, that people are not made impure by anything that touches or enters their bodies, but rather by the moral corruption and selfishness that comes out of their minds and hearts.
We, the body of Christ... are called to be His Holy Bride. The Biblical account of Queen Esther shows that she won not only the favor of the King, but she held his heart. She was his Beloved. The 'rest' of the story is history, but not just a historical account. It's a clear picture of God's providential and Sovereign will.... to save her people, 'His people', from destruction.
Queen Esther became Queen
for such a TIME as this!
God set her apart for His purposes,
for His will to be accomplished.
I'm enthralled with this Biblical account of Queen Esther. I have studied the book extensively. I pray for her strength..her boldness of heart. Her decisiveness ...at such a crucial pivotal moment. I think the secret of walking so closely with Christ the King, is to see ourselves as His beloved. To see that His heart is set upon us. Believe that He is concerned about everything that concerns us. Know that it is His desire to give us the desires of our hearts...according to His purposes. But also, to seek His Sovereign Will, His Plan, His Way.
We are entering a season that depends on our Holy, set apart, consecrated Obedience to His Will. Its TIME to step up to our calling, as the Bride of Christ! I pray every night and every morning..."Dress me Lord". I'm putting on the armor of Christ found in Ephesians 6 ...
"Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser!" 6:11 TPT
6:14... "Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph. Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart." TPT
I love how The Passion Translation speaks of HOLINESS as the protective armor to cover our heart. It begins with humility. With this dream, I sense that the Lord is calling His Broken Bride to Holiness. He wants to dress us in Holiness. He wants to teach us, to strengthen us, to walk among the wolves...as His Holy Bride.
Just 1 day prior to the dream, I broke a rib..or two. I didn't connect it with the dream, but Brenda, my blogger friend at Lighthouse Vision suggested a connection with the brokenness of God's church...the Bride of Christ. Eve was created from a rib of Adam. God's intentions for His created family is being re-created..re-written. Our world is broken. The Bride of Christ... His body, is broken. We are at war with each other. It's Time to lay down our swords...and put on Holiness.
Brenda had no idea of my dream. But she sensed it in the spirit. I took it to heart, and for the last 2 months...I have contemplated my physical brokenness with the brokeness of His Bride... in this TIME. My own spiritual brokeness continues to be revealed. He's constantly working on my behalf to purify me..His Bride, that I might be spotless, Holy as He is Holy.
“Come,” says the Holy Spirit and the Bride in divine duet. Let everyone who hears this duet join them in saying, “Come.” Let everyone gripped with spiritual thirst say, “Come.” And let everyone who craves the gift of living water come and drink it freely. “It is my gift to you! Come.” ~ Rev 22:17
Jesus the KING became my loyal faithful husband that day. I woke up with my arm still extended in the air... the wet kiss still lingering on my fingertips. I continued to reach, as I revisited the dream in my awake state. I held that position for the longest time. I wanted every fiber of my being to remember the anointed moment forever. It was more than just a dream. The Lord of my life...my King Jesus ... visited me in my dark night, and chose me to be His Queen. He promises to never ever leave me. He is my Shepherd King...in Him, I have everything I need.
Yet... until this Bridal Veil anointing...I never felt worthy of the spotless gown. Sanctification is a progressive work. It begins with total surrender to Christ the KING... the Holiness of God in the flesh. In this season, I'm reaching towards Holiness. I want to touch the Face of God.
Strengthen the weak hands,
and make firm the feeble knees.
Say to those who have
an anxious heart,
“Be strong; fear not!
Behold, your God
Behold, your God
will come with vengeance,
with the recompense of God.
with the recompense of God.
He will come and save you.”
Then the eyes
of the blind shall be opened,
and the ears
of the deaf unstopped;
And a highway shall be there,
and it shall be called
the Way of Holiness;
the unclean
the unclean
shall not pass over it.
It shall belong to those
who walk on the way;
even if they are fools,
they shall not go astray.
And the ransomed
And the ransomed
of the Lord shall return
and come to Zion with singing;
everlasting joy
everlasting joy
shall be upon their heads;
they shall obtain
gladness and joy,
and sorrow and sighing
shall flee away.
Isaiah 35:3-5,8,10 ESV
Though I haven't publicly written for 4 years, I've continued to write ... Almost daily with the Lord. He's been saying in many ways... It's TIME. This dream clip was another confirmation.
"Pick up your pencil...
I've called you to write."
I've called you to write."
Yes my Beloved,
I am totally yours -
Your Beautiful One
Your Warrior Bride
in Boots.
In every relationship
be swift to choose
peace over competition,
and run swiftly toward holiness,
for those who are not holy
will not see the Lord.
Heb 12:14 TPT
"Today, decide that you’re not going to let anything get the best of you. Look
yourself in the mirror and remember that people don’t see what God sees
in you. When He looks at you, He sees a king or a queen. He calls you a
joint heir with Jesus to His kingdom. He says, “You are the most
priceless of all My possessions. I am the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
and I’m on your side. Nothing is impossible with Me. "
~ Pastor John Hagee
Patrina, your post is beautiful, and I could write a book as a 'comment' to it. Everything in our physical lives can spiritually speak to us, and that is why I love the way we can share with the whole world on our Blogs. Even though everyone who reads will not comment, there are many who read and are encouraged or even warned by interacting. I am always encouraged by your blog, and every other blog that I read, and I too have dreams that speak many things and even sometimes are accompanied by the scripture I open to the next morning. I can see that you interpret your dreams well, and the situation in the community reminds me a little bit of the 'onion' I speak of in my latest post:-)
ReplyDeleteGod bless you Patrina.
DeleteThank you, as always, for visiting. Thank you for your kind words. Coming from one who interprets her dreams quite easily, I receive your welcome encouragement... that I interpret my own dreams well. This one was easy. But it didn't fully appear until I began to write.
Agreed, everything is for a reason. nothing is wasted in God.
Blessings to you dear friend
I believe in everything occurring in God's perfect time. Though sometimes may seem not in our timetable nor plans, but truly, He is the One Who directs our steps. Your post brought me back in 2003. As a baby Christian, literally fighting with demonic spirits, I didn't know what to do. As I sought Him, He met me right there in my father's house (living room) at midnight and directed me to Ephesians 6:10. I witnessed myself how the Lord's powerful Name "Jesus" truly make them flee. From that point, I had learned to always set my focus on the One Who gave us the victory like what you mentioned. All our enemies do is always try their best to distract any believer to stop them on working for His Kingdom. I believe there is a reason in His timetable why you picked up your pencil now. This is an awesome testimony sister and in these trying times filled with evil and spiritual deceptions, I pray for the Lord to protect you as you share your testimony. We may be broken but we are always made whole by our Good Savior, Lord of lords, King of kings. So, I will end this with Ephesians 6:10. Stay strong in the Lord's mighty power. Because we are fighting with unseen forces but the battle is His. I pray many will be uplifted by your revelation (like me) and others will come to know the Lord's grace through your testimonies. God bless and protect you sister.
DeleteThank you,dear sister and friend for visiting and sharing your testimony of victory in Christ Jesus. Agreed, we can be made whole...in surrendering our brokeness to the Lord of our lives. Total Surrender is most often a process. Not usually an immediate transformation...although it can be. I've heard many miraculous testimonies to such.
Thank you so much for your prayers of strength and protection.. and for sharing that KEY verse..Stay Strong in the Lord's mighty power. Yes,the battle is already won in the spiritual realm. We know the end of the book.
Zachariah 4:6 says "Then he said to me, “This is what the Lord says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies."
Looking forward to the new things of God for this season...Although my heart is heavy with the spiritual condition of the world around us...Our HOPE sustains us for the trails to come. How do people live in these days...without the Assurance of Christ the King!
offering prayers of strength and protection for you and your family, RCUBEs. God's continued favor and blessing is yours.
ReplyDeleteJust now getting to read this post! So profound and full of hope on every level!
I loved the part about discernment and chewing... all so true!!
Your Scripture choices from Isaiah 60 & 35 are favorites of mine because God has spoken them over me personally in the past! His Word is key to what you spoke about holiness...
Loved this part!!
"Holiness always matters to the Lord. But this is a season where we as His people must be front and center...wrapped in His Holiness. As the corporate body of Christ - the CHURCH - we must lay down our swords and walk in Corporate and Personal REPENTANCE - Corporate and Personal HUMILITY - Corporate and Personal HOLINESS... with each other...and the world."
Indeed His is dressing us as He purifies His Bride and prepares her to be Raptured! And no that's not 'escapism' as some (who don't believe there will be a Rapture) have called it. It is in fact what we long for from the Scriptures... to be swept away by the Bridegroom (Jesus/Yeshua) to feast at His Banquet table and celebrate the Union of His Presence! What a joy to come!
Walk in holiness. Trim your lamps, make yourselves ready and listen for the sound of the trumpet call! Look UP... He's coming for His Bride!
Choosing Great JOY in waiting~
Psalm 126 💜⚓️🕊
ReplyDeleteNice to see you at my place. Thank you so much fort visiting. I know you have your wedding dress all washed and ready. :) We are waiting with anticipation. But since we are told to occupy until He comes for us, we keep one eye on the sky and one eye on the task at hand...making ourselves ready..and planting seeds for His germination and harvest.
even so. Lord Jesus...COME!!
Hugs, my friend
Hi Patrina,
ReplyDeletejust popped over to tell you that, after thinking about your comment on my post 'A time for everything' regarding 'onions killing off nettles' :-)I have added a bit more content to it to try to show more about the metaphorical meaning to it:-)
God bless.
Brenda,Thanks for letting me know that. I did revisit the post and saw your addition. It is a profound piece of prose.
DeleteHugs patrina
and thank you Patrina for inspiring me to enlarge on my post, I have actually got more thoughts about it again. That is what interacting produces.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
ReplyDeleteindeed, that is the way with our inspired writing, It continues to enlarge, as we ponder it with the Holy Spirit. That's how He is with my dreams too and almost everything He brings into focus. The more we visit it with Him, the more He reveals. I love it. Always growing,learning,reaching higher.
And yes, the interaction ...and connectedness does open the door wider. So thankful that we've been apart of each other's lives for so long.