Write My Answer On A Billboard Large And Clear

~ I'll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon.
I'll wait to see what God says ~ Habakkuk 2:1-2

Mar 26, 2010

The Bridge of Truth ~ Part 1

The person-hood of Jesus Christ, came to our earthly rescue and presented himself as a living sacrifice, that we might experience the ultimate victory - RECONCILIATION with the Creator of Life Himself - God the Father.

Jesus Christ came to be 'The BRIDGE' between God and man. With the cross of Calvary, He closed the gap - that we might walk freely into the promised land.

Why?Because SIN seperates us
from the purity of God.

The apostle Paul speaks with the inspiration and conviction of the Lord's testament shining from within his transformed spirit when he reminds us of the truth of every unanswered WHY.

Even when we are pressed on every side by troubles, he writes, we are not crushed or broken. We are perplexed because we don't know why things happen as they do, but we don't give up and quit! We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going. We live under constant danger to our lives because we serve the Lord, but this gives us constant opportunities to show forth the power of Jesus Christ...that is why we never give up! Our inner strength in the Lord is growing every day. This short time of distress will result in God's richest blessing upon us forever and ever! The troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever! 2 Corinthians 8-18

For me I "seek" understanding - but not just for my own circumstance - for I am consistently involved in, and walk among those the Lord places within my circle of influence. I therefore seek an understanding that can only come from a totally enveloped relationship with the person hood of Jesus Christ - through His Holy Spirit. A relational intimacy that flourishes without boundaries - without walls - without assumptions - without tattered emotions on His part - without harsh words or preconceived ideas. A relationship that is infallible and is not based on conditional love but simple truth and the promise - to never ever leave me or forsake me. A friendship that grows my heavenly bank account with 100% interest.

and the world thinks I live in poverty!

" Don't store up treasures here on earth where they can erode away or may be stolen. Store them in heaven where they will never lose their value, and are safe from thieves. If your profits are in heaven, your heart will be there too." Matt 6:19-21.

I Believe Him ! For His words are like food to my hungry spirit - like music to my straining ears! and sight to my blurred vision. For my God who said, 'Let there be light in the darkness' has made me understand...

It is the brightness of His Glory - this precious treasure - this light and power that is seen in the face of Jesus and that now shines within me - is proof to a watchful world that this glorious power within me must be from God and not of myself. 2 Corinthians 6-7

I am constantly mindful that the enemy lurks around watching for the slightest opening to jump on me and devour my own soul. He masquerades as an angel of light in the midst of his own darkness. HOW can we not be "fooled" when he parades with such confidence and cunning persuasive ways? HOW can we not slip and walk a mile in his maze before we realize we are lost and cannot possibly find our own way out?

HOW can we be so innocently tripped up
when we "know" we were headed in the right direction?

Those who know JESUS as the LIGHT - know as well as I, that the answer to the "HOW" is in the ‘knowing’ God so intimately - that anything or anyone else that presents itself as truth, is ultimately miss-informed miss-directed or an outright “lie”. When we stand so CLOSE to the Savior that the dust from His sandals settles on our feet - we leave no space for intrusive "homestead rights" - when the land we stand on is free and clearly ours - spiritually cleansed and given over to us for guiltless, peaceful, joyful living - THEN and only then, can we recognize the intrusive annoyances for what they are .

The enemy has no other way to get our attention then by hurling lies cunningly crafted to counterfeit God's ultimate truth. The enemy camps on God's truth and draws a blueprint - clearly aimed for demonic distraction - by paralleling 'the real thing' - for one reason only - to get our focus off of the 'real thing' - God's TRUTH.

The enemy seeks to fool us with just enough truth that we miss the lie!

Don't be fooled by his preconceived, manipulative deception. Stand so close to the Savior that you recognize the enemy's counterfeit - his 'counter attack' - for we are at war - spiritually speaking - every minute of our lives. Our only protection is 'knowing' who we are in Christ - putting on the whole armor of God - and 'choosing' to stand, arms linked with living proof truth from the Word of God. A truth that takes form as it grows deep and produces a root system so large and so strong that the outcome is nothing short of an abundance of fruit - enough fruit to feed the hungry souls that sit beneath our tree.

"Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage. Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven." Matt 5: 13-16 The Message

Lord, help me to be SALT & LIGHT
in a tasteless world.
Shine in me - through me and all around me.
Give me GRACE for the journey
and STRENGTH for the Battle.
The war rages all around us.
Fellow comrades of the FAITH
are being beaten by the storms of LIFE.


The enemy beats against our fragile drum.

Storms will come
it's as if they are woven into the fabric of our FAITH.
But you, O LORD, have promised to never leave us or forsake us.
You came to give us LIFE and LIGHT
for the darkness around the corner and down the street.
I just lift my fellow blogging friends to you O LORD.
Meet them where they are
minister into their temporary situations,
as only YOU can do.
I PRAISE you for who you are
and what you have done
to change our darkness to LIGHT.
Open our eyes LORD
that we might see the width and depth
of your endless LOVE for all mankind.
In JESUS name, Amen

warrior bride in boots


  1. Beautiful prayer form the heart. Amen...I love that particular verses from 2 Corinthians. When I feel weak or feel like giving up [especially at my workplace], I love to be reminded with that truth! Glory to God! And now, you just reminded me to share it with a friend going through so much trials at this time. I will particularly, write those down on a card and mail it today! Thank you! I know it will give the encouragement she needs because it was written by "a pencil in the Hand of God"....

    Praying that I don't lose my flavor and just keep goin' to be the salt for His recipe!

    Thanks be to Jesus! Because of Him, now, we know that we are truly not alone. That God is with us. Because now, we can meet God through the cross that helps us cross that bridge that distanced that gap between us and God. Thank you for the encouragement today. May the Lord bless you and continue to give you the strength that you need, same with your father. Have a great weekend!

  2. Patrina:

    This was magnificent - like a symphony of TRUTH shared!

    You wrote:

    "...Jesus Christ - through His Holy Spirit. A relational intimacy that flourishes without boundaries - without walls - without assumptions - without tattered emotions on His part - without harsh words or preconceived ideas. A relationship that is infallible and is not based on conditional love but simple truth and the promise - to never ever leave me or forsake me. A friendship that grows my heavenly bank account with 100% interest."

    Thank you for being the watchman on the wall as we guard together all that God has given us!

    Nothing can take that away!
    Romans 8:38-39 says:
    For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Choosing JOY, Stephanie
    JESUS ONLY in 2010

  3. @ RCUBEs
    Tese verses in Cor. 2 were my mama's favorite verses! I never knew it until the eve of her Home-going celebration. Dad sat in his chair - I in mama's - and he opened his BIBLE to share her favorite scripture. When he did - I knew my mama carried a strength that I did not understand in my earlier years. As a pastor's wife, she was bombarded by critical 'christians' through out most of their 35 years of activ ministry.

    I understood - in that sharing -that mama surrived the spiritual war that her position presented - because of this TRUTH in 2 COR.

    Thus, I have kept it close to my heart for more reasons than the very act - that it is TRUTH.It was penned through a pencil in the hand of God - long before my time!!

    But it is also close to my heart because ~ I lived through the evidence of it at work in my mama's life! She walked it out -daily!

    Thank you for picking up the pencil to let mre know that you were here. I pray your friend is encouraged! It is a 'God thing" when He reminds us of a particular person or situation where scripture can be applied! So I am praising JESUS for His continual - watchful care of His flock and those outside the fold. May we be HIs Light and His Salt - extending His TRUTH to a lost generation of 'flavorless darkness'.

    Thank you for your prayers!!

    Grateful for your friendship,
    Patrina <")>><


    YES may we become sturdy 'WATCHMEN/WOMEN' - choosing to STAND in His TRUTH for the LIGHT to the nations! We must not hide our LIGHT under the bushel -His intent is to shine through us to dispel the darkness - that those lost in the tunnel of despair - may see the given LIGHT at the opening on the other end!!

    Thank you for picking up the sturdy pencil to let me know that you were here and...for adding that scripture that pounds through the darkness with powerful TRUTH.

    Thank you, also, my friend for your prayers for myself - and my Father - grateful for His gifts in you - that He has allowed me to be inter-woven with you and your intimate relationship with CHRIST JESUS!

    Still STANDING ~
    Patrina <")>><

  5. "Lord help me to be the salt and light in a tasteless world," good prayer.

  6. amen! beautifully written and highly
    anointed words of truth.

    let it be my 'food', Lord.

    have a wonderful palm sunday!


  7. AMEN! Your words always pierce my soul anytime i read it that i feel the anointing flowing from the pencil in your hand as you write. I pray to walk with the LORD as i just told JAYCEE.
    Hey! Patrina, have you ever had A POSITIVE ANGELIC VISITATION?

  8. Thank you for this, very awesome.

  9. Great Prayer Pat... You are indeed a watchman... God bless your heart.

    - LDP

  10. @ Jaycee
    Yes, Jaycee - the cry of my heart - "help us be salt and light in this tasteless world"Thanks for picking up the pencil to let me know that you were here.

    @ letters2Emily

    Annointed words of truth ...The scripture is definitely anointed words of TRUTH. I pray His anointing is upon the entire post -For it is HIs anointing that makes a message sharp. It's HIs anointing that send it where He wants it to go - to accomplish what He plans for it to accomplish. That would definitely be my utmost prayer. Thanks for picking up the pencil again to let me know that you were here..

    Blessing to you for lovely weekend as well.

    Thank you,Kareem - you are so kind to me. You have a special place in my heart - not because of yours words but because of your honest vulnerability.

    May you continue on the journey as you walk with the Lord - He wants to be our FRIEND!!

    A POSITIVE ANGELIC VISITATION? Not sure what you're looking for here. But a positive one would mean - from the Lord and not the enemy - I would suppose??

    I can't say that I remember a 'visitation' from an angelic being. But I can say that I have felt and witnessed their nearness and their involvment and intervention in my life. I have been literally saved from death by an intervening - supernatural hand. And because He's given me the gift of dreams and visions - I have experienced His presence in this gift. He gives me visions when He's calling me to pray for someone - who is hanging between life and death. He's even had me minister to my grnadmother 100's of miles away the night that she was dying. Through my prayers - the Lord intervened in her life and I know that she accepted Christ before she died. This was all through a dream. So angelic visitation ? I don't know. But the very move of the Lord, Yes!

    How about you?? What raises the question with you?

    Thanks for picking up the pencil to let me know that you were here. I like the fact that the Lord placed me in your life at an important time too. That was definetly the move of the Lord that night. He had His eyes on you! He had a plan and It is beyond me - how he drew us together to accomplish His plan - but He did! Praise Jesus! His mercy is great!!

    @ Denise

    Thank you, dear - and thanks for picking up the pencil to let me know that you were here.

    Patrina <")>><

  11. @ LDP
    nice to know that our paths actually crossed here on the Bridge. I was commenting as you were commenting. I liked knowing that we were here at the same time!! :)

    Kind words, Samuel - thank you for picking up the pencil to let me know that you wre here. I love your visits. You always BLESS my heart!! see - you did it again.

    Patrina <")>><

  12. wow... I am comletely speechless. I don't know if this is confirmation or encouragement. All the oints raised in this post- Jesus as a bridge, praying for assurance in God in spite of situations, and almost everything else are issues I have encountered in my personal study and prayers. We can only ray to continue to grow closer and closer to what He intended us to be. :)


  13. What an amazing adventure we've been called to! Indeed, salvation is such a costly, yet incalculable gift - a BRIDGE like no other. Yet the business of living out our lives in/before the Lord is equally incalculable!

    Nowhere in heaven or on earth is there a better trade: His life for mine.

    Bless you!

  14. I love the look of your blog! Beautiful words.

  15. Goodmorning Pat, it was the usual blackout that didn't allow me to reply on time about the positive angelic visitation i asked you about.
    Really it was more out of curiousity i asked because i had read much about angels & i wanted to hear from first hand experience.
    Nevertheless, here are 2 dreams i had which i believe are angelic visitation.
    When i was pregnant for my 4th child, a very tall man ,i didn't see his face but bare-chest& slim long hands.He beckoned to me & i stood up from ny bed. He then told me to stop visiting all those numerous pastors i do go to when pregnant because many are fake! I should be prayerful & he then wrote the name of my child on the wall beside my bed, it was then i knew i was carrying a male child.
    You see, women in Nigeria, don't joke with spiritual matters whenever we are pregnant & many don't want to know the sex of their child yet because of the excitement,anxiety&disappointment!
    I obeyed & gave gave birth to a bouncing baby boy after about 6hours labour! It was my easiest compared to the previous three & i named him MICHEAL as instructed!
    The second dream came when i was questioning GOD why he allow so much evil to happen in our land. A women escaped from the den of ritualist miraculously& i was angry , bitter & at the brink of tears! So i asked W-H-Y? That night, i walked into a room & saw a man dressed in the fashion of the old ROMAN; He was white, with blonde cropped hair , wearing a red/wine garment with gold trimmings.He was angry with me by the scowl on his face. He said i should stop questioning GOD! he said it authoritatively & that it is the lies i tell that had prevented my MIRACLE to happen. I could only bow my head in shame.
    You see, it was when i got to the higher institution that i learned that telling half truths & lies was called DIPLOMACY! Alas! i learned the art the hard way because i was brought up to say the truth always that my brothers don't like telling me anything,because my parents would know if they ask & am the type that wear my heart on my sleeve! So, i perfected the art which helped me in coping with my in-laws! I only tell the WHOLESOME truth to my confidant & father[NOT EVEN MY MOTHER & HUSBAND!] LIE is one of the seven abominations to GOD. I am trying my best to stop all those small, small WHITE lies i think that does not matter & won't hurt anybody, but I FAIL EVERYDAY!

  16. Oh YES, YES, YES my sweet friend! You are on a soapbox of truth here, and I stand with you side by side!



  17. Thank you to a all for your comments and encouragement!

    Since my computer died yesterday, I don't have time to comment individualy - I'm at my daughter's right now. I just ordered my new computer.I'll be offline for 3 weeks though!!

    @ Nitty-gritty housewife
    I wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to share your dreams. They are powerful dreams. Very vivid and instructive. I'm so pleased to know that you also have these dreams! Wow! to actually give you the name of your son - is big!

    I trust that you are growing in your walk with the Lord. I see and hear your passion for TRUTH!! I'm well pleased with that!. I want you to know that I am praying for you about this, as well. I'm honored to encourage you in your walk. Your desire for TRUTH is noted by the Heavenly Father. Seek His wisdom - He will show you. Take note of your dreams -write them down and ask the Lord for Divine revelation. It is in the write of them - long hand, for me -that His heart is revealed and understanding comes.

    God bless you Kareem...keep growing closer to Jesus!

    Patrina <")>><
    His watchman on the wall

  18. Is there any word of this piece that did no speak to me? None...

    Amen to the prayer.

  19. Powerful stuff...Powerful stuff. Love every word of it.

  20. Have a wonderful Easter as you celebrate our risen Lord.

  21. I really enjoyed reading your blog. This post is so well written and inspiring. May our Lord continue to shine through you and your blog and make you the salt and light for the world to see. God bless, Lloyd

  22. That is beautiful, Patrina. Can't wait until you are back online.

    I am always concerned that I might lose my saltiness as a stay at home, home school mom who doesn't interact with many people.

    When I was a new Christian, I was "obnoxious" in a good way and couldn't wait to tell everyone I knew and didn't know about Christ!

    A short hospital stay really woke me when I realized how dull my Sword had become in the area of sharing the scriptures of salvation. I still have the heart, but the message doesn't flow spontaneously from my lips like it once did. Time to sharpen the Sword, Sister!

  23. Thank you for stopping by my blog today, Patrina. You were the first and only comment so far on my post titled "About Me?" It has already been quite a journey blogging in less than two months.

    It is late tonight but God willing I hope to visit with more time tomorrow to read a little at your place.

    Thank you for your encouragement my sister. Blessings!


Thanks for picking up the pencil...

May the grace
of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit ...
be with you all.

His Warrior Bride in Boots

"HEAR The Word of The Lord"


Prayer Changes Things

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” ..... Romans 12:12





He is the LORD, The 'I AM' over our yesterdays ~ our today ~ our tomorrow

Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator

Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One

Adonai: The Owner of All

Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides

El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One

El Elion: The Most High Ruler

Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory

Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace

Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies

Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals

Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness

Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd

Immanuel: God With Us