Write My Answer On A Billboard Large And Clear

~ I'll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon.
I'll wait to see what God says ~ Habakkuk 2:1-2

Sep 10, 2011

Sheltered in The Arms of God ~ Part 2

"If you confess with your mouth
that Jesus is Lord
and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.
For it is by believing in your heart
that you are made right with God,
and it is by confessing with your mouth
that you are saved.
As the Scriptures tell us,
“Anyone who trusts in him
will never be disgraced.”
Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect.
They have the same Lord,
who gives generously to all
who call on him.
For “Everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved.”

But how can they call on him
to save them unless they believe in him?
And how can they believe in him
if they have never heard about him?
And how can they hear about him
unless someone tells them?
And how will anyone go and tell
them without being sent?
That is why the Scriptures say,
“How beautiful are the feet
of messengers who bring good news!”
Romans 10:9-15 NLT

I grew up in a number of small churches.
My father was the pastor.
I came to know Jesus early.
I am familiar with 'altar calls'.
Even today, when I hear the song
'Just As I am' - I get this familiar connection
of the moment I made my way down to the altar
to pray to Jesus - to come live in my heart.

As I grew older,
I still made my way down the
isle to the altar - every time
I felt the Holy Spirit 'stirring'.
It was often during this song.

As an adult, I have pondered
why I felt the need to go forward
to pray - so many times
throughout my growing up years.
It wasn't always a convicting sin
that drew me there. But I was drawn!

The Holy Spirit has shown me that it was
the one place I felt close with the Father.
The Safe Place where I could commune
with Him - spirit to spirit.
It was a sacred place to me - Holy Ground.
I had come to KNOW the Father there.
He came to live inside me at the altar.

In fact..

I met Him at the altar a few years earlier,
when I stood with my mama,
as she received Christ into her heart too.
She was several months pregnant with me,
when she stepped out to join my daddy,
in his decision to honor Christ
with his life.
I wouldn't be surprised if the hymn
that accompanied them down the isle
was in fact - 'Just as I Am'.

And like John the Baptist leaped
in the the womb of his mother, Elizabeth,
When Mary told her that she was pregnant,
with Jesus - I'm convinced that I
felt the Holy Spirit's stirring in mama -
and then the sealing of her spirit
at the altar.

So, even though I am the 3rd child
I was the first to be born
into a Christian Family!
I praise Jesus for drawing them
and then me to HIMSELF.

Beyond that, the Holy Spirit

has shown me that He was preparing me,
at the altar
for the gifts that He was
instilling within my heart.
He was preparing me to be
His prayer warrior.

The writer of this old beloved Hymn,
Charlotte Elliott, like Dottie Rambo,
struggled with physical
and emotional pain, and was an invalid
soon after the age of 30.
She remained a bedridden invalid
for the rest of her life.(82 years old)

With her failing health came great
feelings of despondency.
Swiss evangelist, Dr. Caesar Malan,
visited the Elliott home in
Brighton, England. His visit proved
to be a turning point in Charlotte's life.
This song was born out of
his ministry to her in her affliction.

Dr. Malan impressed upon her this truth...

"You must come just as you are,
a sinner, to the Lamb of God
that taketh away the sin of the world."

For the remainder of her years,
like Dottie Rambo,
Charlotte often endured seasons
of great physical suffering.

Of her own afflictions she once wrote,

"He knows, and He alone, what it is,
day after day, hour after hour,
to fight against bodily feelings
of almost overpowering weakness,
languor and exhaustion,
to resolve not to yield to slothfulness,
depression and instability,
such as the body causes me
to long to indulge,
but to rise every morning determined
to take for my motto...

'If a man will come after Me,
let him deny himself,
take up his cross daily,
and follow Me.'"

I am strengthened by these
two witness' of FAITH.
Their stories of endurance -
to run the race before them
focused on the prize -
Eternity with JESUS,
the lover of their soul -
draw me, time and time again
into that inner circle of HOPE

Now that I know their stories
and the songs they penned,
I am reminded
of their enduring FAITH,
in the midst of great suffering.

"JUST AS I AM" ...
has become even more sweet!

"...The Gift they Hope
to exchange is You!"

So I ask you...

Do you KNOW God’s Only Son Jesus?
Do you know this KING….
that Dottie Rambo wrote 2500
passionate songs about -
as many before and alongside her
share a similar passion?

How long has it been
since you knelt by your bed
and prayed to the Lord
up in Heaven?

Do you know this Jesus
that Billy & Ruth Graham
spent their life sharing ...
with a hurting world?

Do you have a personal
faith-relationship with Him?
Is He your Song and Salvation?
Is He your Light?
Have you trusted Him with your life?

If you do not know this KING –
this Alpha and Omega –
this Ultimate AUTHORITY -
This KING of all KINGS
these ARMS OF GOD - this SAFENESS –
this SHELTER in the midst of storms....

Then, may God Himself speak LIFE into you,
as I point you to God's WORD –
God's Rhema Word to all mankind.
For, “faith comes from hearing, that is,
hearing the Good News about Christ.”
Romans 10:17 NLT

"For God loved the world so much
that he gave his one and only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him
will not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16 NLT

“But because of his great love for us,
God, who is rich in mercy,
made us alive with Christ even when
we were dead in transgressions –
it is by grace you have been saved."
Eph 2:4-5 NIV

“There is salvation in no one else!
God has given no other name under heaven
by which we must be saved."
Acts 4:12 NLT

“For there is one God and one mediator
between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”
1 Timothy 2:5 NIV

God wants to open your eyes

and give you faith to see Christ -
as God’s salvation to the world.
Would you come stand with me
at the altar - just as you are?
Would you, in this moment choose Jesus?
Would you stand before Him
and surrender your life,
as best as you know how - in faith -
choosing to believe that He is the
Son of God - sent to restore you back
to the Creator God?

If so, then say this prayer with me.
As you speak it out - know that He is listening.

“Lord I need You. I am choosing
to believe in You.
Thank You for loving me.
Open my eyes to see You.
I choose to accept You as my Savior.
Teach me to trust in You.
Come into my life Lord Jesus. Forgive my sin.
Cleanse me from the inside out.
Create in me a new heart.
Save me by Your grace. Amen”

It’s that easy!

Now...If you prayed that prayer with me,


Don’t stop there! Let me know,
so I can pray for you, and you can pray for me.
And more important…please seek out
a true Bible Believing, teaching body of believers,
to support you in your chosen decision
to walk upright in this new freedom in Christ.
It is so vital to your spiritual health.
The enemy of this world, satan,
seeks to rob, devour, and destroy you –
any way that he can!

Check out the many resources on my sidebar
to help you get started in the process
of ‘renewing your mind'
to the new Spirit of God within you;
to the ministry of the Holy Spirit;
to guide you and counsel you in wisdom,
truth, and understanding; as he fills you
with courage and strength. Get into God’s Word.
The Online Bible software used in this article
is a great tool for studying the Word in depth.

You can start here:


And last but not least….
KEEP TO IT! Don’t give up!
Don’t give in to the ways of the world!
Stand firm and see the deliverance
of the LORD in your behalf!
I promise you, He’s never late –
but always right on time! His timing is perfect!

“What shall we say
about such wonderful things as these?
If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”
Romans 8:31 NLT

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary
the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour: ”
1 Peter 5:8 KJV

“The LORD said to Satan,
'Where have you come from?'
Satan answered the LORD,
'From roaming through the earth
and going back and forth in it.'"
Job 1:7 NIV

“Submit yourselves, then, to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
James 4:7 NIV

"Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed,
for I am your God. I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you
with My righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10 NIV

Lord Jesus, I personally come to you today
Lifting up your name –
the name above all names.
Thank you for the opportunity
to come to KNOW you early.
You’ve been my Savior
for as long as I can remember.
Thank you for safety in you.
Sheltered in your Grace.
It is with great expectancy and HOPE
that I call up on you to reveal yourself
to that someone who is drowning.
The one that you placed
upon my heart weeks ago,
with your rhema word to me.

You KNOW them. I do not.
You are already wooing them
towards yourself.
Give them ears to hear
and eyes to see you, Lord.
Give them a new song to sing;
A deep hunger for your Word;
And a testimony to share;

And for those who come to the altar -
I know, you'll meet them there.
Strengthen them and fill them with
your guiding. comforter, the Holy Spirit.
Hold them up with your right hand.
Do not let them slip. Protect them
from the enemy of their soul,
and use them mightily in service
for your kingdom here on earth.

In this September remembrance
of our national tragedy 9/11,
Open the floodgates of Heaven.
Pour out your mercy like rain.
I cry for mercy.
Have mercy on us, Lord.
Transform our minds and attitudes.
Give us vision, knowledge,
wisdom and understanding.
We are so in need of MORE of you.

Forgive us, Lord.
Teach us the power of Forgiveness.
Touch us; Heal our woundedness
Restore our families; our land.
Guide us in all our ways.
Shelter us -
Securely in your arms of Grace.
Bring us back to our roots.
One Nation Under God.

It is in your name, Jesus
that I lift my voice.
Thank you for meeting me.
I give you all my praise.
You're Mercy endures forever.
I worship you,
the One and Only Jesus!

Faithfully Yours,
My Beloved
Your Warrior Bride,



  1. *lifting my hands* LORD, thank you for accepting me JUST THE WAY I AM! with my flaws, imperfections, YOU STILL LOVE ME....am grateful and appreciate your GOODNESS, MERCY & GRACE towards me....BLESSED BE YOUR NAME LORD...halleluyah!

    A wonderful testimony Patrina...so touching...GOD came for the 'sick' to 'heal' them and not for the 'healthy'.

  2. Glory be to God for sending His one and only Son to save us! May many come by and even if they don't leave any comment, I pray those who don't know Jesus will have their blinders removed and accept His gift of salvation. God bless you sister and what a powerful testimony!

  3. this is such a beautiful post...I love how you said you were drawn to the alter to be close to your father.

    And Patrina...your comment on my blog....it made me think of you...how you spent your last 8 months....you have a totally beautiful heart and I'm honored to have connected with you. He empowers. Stay strong.....

  4. Wow, what a marvelous giving of the Gospel! Can we share it enough?

    I stand with you, dear sister; ever so grateful for the saving grace that fell when first I believed. Though many years have now lapsed, the beauty of it all still brings me to tears.


  5. I never want to stop walking the aisle to meet God. I've been there countless times for countless reasons. Mostly, like you say, to draw close to the Lord. There's something holy and "other" about bending the knee to sacred song.

    I walked it again this past Sunday to pray for the families who were experiencing deep grief as they reflected and remembered this sobering anniversary. I'm so grateful to live in a country where I am free to pray, worship, and bow the knee on every occasion.

    peace to you this week~elaine

  6. Thanks ladies for stopping by. I appreciate you :)

    Patrina <")>><

  7. patrina,
    this was beautiful. what memories!just as i am!
    my parents first date was driving to toronto to sing in the billy graham crusade choir sometime in 1955. dad has gone to be with the Lord in 2007. mom lives in town with me now. we still talk about that date that ended 6 months short of 50 years.
    i bet we mutually know a ton of other people. warren wiersbe and my dad used to preach in conferences together when my dad was a teacher at the moody bible institute in chicago.
    keep on writin' wit dat pencil.
    nikonsniper steve

  8. Steve,
    I am honored - two visits in one night :)

    That was a LONG date that your parents were on :)

    Your dad was more out there than mine. We grew up in small country churches. But I certainly knew of Warren.

    It would be fun to share 'PK' stories :)

    Blessings of FAVOR to you and the family

    Patrina <")>><


Thanks for picking up the pencil...

May the grace
of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit ...
be with you all.

His Warrior Bride in Boots

"HEAR The Word of The Lord"


Prayer Changes Things

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” ..... Romans 12:12





He is the LORD, The 'I AM' over our yesterdays ~ our today ~ our tomorrow

Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator

Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One

Adonai: The Owner of All

Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides

El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One

El Elion: The Most High Ruler

Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory

Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace

Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies

Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals

Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness

Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd

Immanuel: God With Us