Exclusive Christmas Card from Joshua's Christian Stores featuring RonDiCianni's 'Simeon's Moment' portrait from THE GIFT ~ Crossway Books 1994
"For my eyes have seen your Salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for Glory to your people Israel." ~ Luke 2:30-32
"Imagine that moment! It has to rank at the top of any Christian's list of dreams —to hold the very Son of God in your arms with the understanding of His purpose for coming. This is what Simeon had been promised, and here He is. It was the final exclamation point to fulfill his heart's desire.
Artist's Notes (source)
"Because of what his eyes saw and his hands felt, Simeon was content, ready to leave and go be with his God. We can only guess (I like to do that at times) what must have raced through Simeon's mind at that moment. He didn't have long to hold him, but long enough to realize that Messiah had come.
"In this painting I tried to let Simeon's face tell the story. Ecstasy. I have a feeling Simeon clutched that baby like no other. He knew that he held the 'light' of the world, which I symbolized by the star emanating from the Baby. Intertwined through them both, I put a map of the world with its obvious symbolism that Christ came to impact the whole world, and not just the Jews, as most of the people would have concluded.
Those lands, like North and South America, as well as others, were not even known to Simeon's world, but God knew all along that you and I would need a Saviour. Simeon's tear was put in to reflect deep joy. But the more I contemplated it, the more I realized it could symbolize that Simeon also might have known that this Baby was born to be crucified. That was why He came."
--- Ron DiCianni
Thanks Be To God For His Indescribable Gift
I am His and He is Mine
His Warrior Bride in Boots
This is a re-post from 2010