Write My Answer On A Billboard Large And Clear

~ I'll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon.
I'll wait to see what God says ~ Habakkuk 2:1-2

Jan 31, 2014

Day 7 ~ Nine Day Prayer Focus ~ Develop a Kingdom Mentality!

Read Mathew 11, 13 and Luke 9, 13.

The Kingdom of God is within you. 
We build the Church, 
but we get keys to the Kingdom. 
Study the Kingdom. 

Matthew 11:12 says, 
"...now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, 
and the violent take it by force."

The Kingdom advances in victory. 
This occurs through 
violent spiritual conflict and warfare. 
Fear not! 
The Church is God's warring agent. 
Worship and war! 
The Kingdom increases. 
Understand the sword 
and the fire 
because they are both important 
in the battle ahead.

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries, Inc.

Put on the FULL Armor of God

11Put on the full armor of God, 
so that you will be able to stand firm 
against the schemes of the devil.  
2For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, 
but against the rulers, 
against the powers, 
against the world forces of this darkness, 
against the spiritual forces of wickedness 
in the heavenly places.  
13Therefore, take up the full armor of God, 
so that you will be able to resist 
in the evil day, 
and having done everything, 
to stand firm.…

Eph. 6:11 - 13


our struggle is not against flesh and blood, 
but against the rulers, 
against the powers, 
against the world forces of this darkness, 
against the spiritual forces of wickedness 
in the heavenly places. 


  1. Let us put on the armour of light, Rom 13: 12.

  2. Amen Patrina,
    we are in a spiritual warfare and have the finest warrior we could have on our side.
    God bless you for your encouragement.

  3. When He allowed me to witness an unseen spiritual battle with my own family, (a way of making Him get my attention this time as I pondered much later and made me trust and truly believe in Him), the first Word He showed me was Eph.6:10..With realization later that it meant the battle was His...Only by His power and nothing else was I able to achieve victory. Glory be to God! He is truly awesome. As I went back to workplace at that time, the unseen battle there became visible to my previously unaware mind. And how wonderful, He gives us His arsenal of weapons!


Thanks for picking up the pencil...

May the grace
of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit ...
be with you all.

His Warrior Bride in Boots

"HEAR The Word of The Lord"


Prayer Changes Things

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” ..... Romans 12:12





He is the LORD, The 'I AM' over our yesterdays ~ our today ~ our tomorrow

Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator

Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One

Adonai: The Owner of All

Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides

El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One

El Elion: The Most High Ruler

Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory

Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace

Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies

Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals

Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness

Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd

Immanuel: God With Us